A bit over three years ago, Style Weekly published this piece,
which I wrote in response to then-Governor Tim Kaine's instructions to the
Virginia Department of Education to look into possible racial disparities in
the area of gifted education.
I'm not aware that anything came of the Governor's directive - or my piece. But what I wrote then is still true, and still deserves attention.
I'm not aware that anything came of the Governor's directive - or my piece. But what I wrote then is still true, and still deserves attention.
* * *
Thanks to Gov. Tim
Kaine, the intermittent controversy over gifted education has once again
claimed public attention. Expressing concern over apparent racial disparities
in Virginia's gifted education programs, the governor has ordered the Virginia Department
of Education to study the reasons for this disparity.
The governor's
directive quickly aroused predictable reactions from the usual quarters.
Those whose mission
it is to detect racism behind every unpleasant fact of life quickly demanded
revised selection criteria for gifted programs.
Those advantaged by
the present system were equally quick to detect a conspiracy to impose
some new form of affirmative action.
administrators assured the public of their belief that every child deserves the
best and most appropriate education possible — provided, of course, that no one
actually expects them to do anything constructive to that end.
Not surprisingly,
these predictable exchanges have thus far produced more heat than light.
Most Virginians —
including the majority of school administrators — probably have no idea that
there are actually two competing approaches to gifted education, or that the
approach adopted by most public schools is supported by neither research nor
common sense.
Few realize that
Virginia's approach to gifted education has been designed to suit the
convenience of school administrators — and to satisfy the demands of privileged
parents — rather than to meet the needs of our most intellectually gifted kids.
Yet such is the case.
The approach to
gifted education used in most Virginia public schools is the “enrichment
model.” Under this approach, pupils identified as gifted take the same basic
curriculum as other children in their schools — at the same pace. They may take
some courses one year earlier, but they take the same amount of time — one
academic year — to complete each course.
The basic difference
between their education and that of the general population is that gifted
pupils go into greater depth — through things such as extra research projects,
hearing guest speakers and going on field trips. Indeed, many kids will tell
you that being gifted essentially means that you have more homework.
The alternative
approach — the acceleration model — rests on the assumption that what we term
giftedness is essentially the ability to learn faster and absorb more. In an
accelerated program, pupils are encouraged to work at their own speed,
completing courses in less than the usual time and moving immediately to the
next level.
Accelerated pupils
tend to skip at least one grade of elementary school. Most complete high school
early. Many apply to college at 17, 16, or even younger.
The research
comparing the two models is overwhelming. Pupils in accelerated programs tend
to advance far more rapidly than those in enrichment programs. Because they are
constantly challenged — rather than merely overworked — they are less
frustrated with school. They tend to develop a stronger work ethic and
better study skills.
There is even reason
to believe, albeit the research is not conclusive, that accelerated students
have more humility about their intellectual gifts than those in enrichment
All this makes
perfect sense. Pupils in enrichment programs are, effectively, being held back.
They are taking the same classes, in enriched form, as ungifted pupils. They
often feel bored and overworked — but seldom challenged. Relying on native
intelligence to earn easy A's, they frequently acquire a sense of innate
superiority rather than developing the skills and self-discipline needed to
deal with ever more challenging material.
Yet, in America, most
public schools prefer the enrichment approach.
There are several
reasons for this. First, many parents and teachers share a concern that kids
who advance ahead of their classmates will suffer socially. In fact, the
research indicates that the reverse is true. The smartest kid in class often
encounters social isolation. The whiz kid among older pupils functioning at the
same intellectual level ordinarily gains acceptance.
Second, school
administrators are never eager to lose bright pupils. Schools love to take
credit for success stories — whether or not they can justly claim any role in
that success. Moreover, bright pupils help a school's ratings on standardized
tests. An accelerated pupil who graduates early is — from the administrative
perspective — a lost asset.
Finally, middle-class
parents prefer enrichment programs because their selection processes tend to
favor kids from privileged backgrounds.
Because enrichment
programs emphasize extra projects and field trips — as opposed
to moving rapidly forward into ever more difficult material — they
are inherently less intellectually challenging than accelerated
programs. Once selected, a hard-working pupil of better-than-average
intelligence — with the active support of two educated parents — can survive in
an enrichment program. In an accelerated program, a pupil lacking the
intellectual prowess to move rapidly through the curriculum will inevitably
fall behind.
Since accelerated
programs are better at identifying improperly selected pupils, they tend to
evolve better selection criteria. Enrichment programs, in contrast, often
develop more subjective criteria, favoring pupils who behave well in class,
speak conventional English and have supportive parents. Not surprisingly, this
preference usually has the unintended consequence of overselecting white and
Asian students, and underselecting students of Hispanic and African-American
The solution is obvious
— if not politically easy. By adopting the accelerated model of gifted
education Virginia would provide an appropriate education to more of her most
intellectually gifted pupils.
If Kaine wishes to
leave an educational legacy in his final month in office, he should redirect
the energies of his study from racial disparity to a comparison of the
acceleration and enrichment models.
It shouldn't take
until Inauguration Day for an impartial study to reach the obvious conclusions.